Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Matthew 28:19(KJV)
Active Missions

Entrusted Grace Ministries:
Susan Joy Emerton: All my life I have been influenced by a Godly Grandmother; who taught me to love God and have a deep respect for missions. She would invite and feed every missionary that ever visited our church as I was growing up.
In December of 2012, after my Granny was called to her heavenly home, I started praying, asking the Lord to fill my heart with love. He gave me an in 2013 to meet some dear people from India. In February of 2014, I was blessed with the opportunity to visit India in person. While there God showed me exactly what I was supposed to do. My mission was born that year. I was to help give the Indian people in the outer villages clean drinking water.
As a result of that visit Entrusted Grace Ministries was founded. With God's guidance and help, we work with Pastor Raju, who visits villages to dig fresh water wells. At the dedication of each well, he offers them the message of salvation. Each person who accepts Jesus as their personal Savior is presented with their own Bible in their native language.
We distribute Bibles, clothes, and food to those that have a need. God saw the need to expand the work into Pakistan, to the persecuted Christians there.
The Lord always does exceedingly more than we can ask or think...I have proven Him true so many times. If we are just willing, there is no limit to what God can do!
In December of 2012, after my Granny was called to her heavenly home, I started praying, asking the Lord to fill my heart with love. He gave me an in 2013 to meet some dear people from India. In February of 2014, I was blessed with the opportunity to visit India in person. While there God showed me exactly what I was supposed to do. My mission was born that year. I was to help give the Indian people in the outer villages clean drinking water.
As a result of that visit Entrusted Grace Ministries was founded. With God's guidance and help, we work with Pastor Raju, who visits villages to dig fresh water wells. At the dedication of each well, he offers them the message of salvation. Each person who accepts Jesus as their personal Savior is presented with their own Bible in their native language.
We distribute Bibles, clothes, and food to those that have a need. God saw the need to expand the work into Pakistan, to the persecuted Christians there.
The Lord always does exceedingly more than we can ask or think...I have proven Him true so many times. If we are just willing, there is no limit to what God can do!

I the Lord have call thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand and will keep thee, for a covenant of the people, for a lght of the Gentiles; to open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.: Isaiah 42:6-7(KJV)
Missionaries to the Sioux Indians
on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation
Andrew & Christy Deason; Michael, Julia, Jeremy, Thomas, Jonathan, David, & Ashlee
Greetings to you from the Deason home in North Dakota! The months of October, November, and December have been incredibly full, with both good as well as difficult things in them. We've had trials and pressures from within and without, at times overwhelming our hearts to the point of wondering how we were going to endure through it. God gave safety in several situations that could have so easily become life threatening, and we thank Him for His constant care and grace! We also thank you for you prayers for our family! The spiritual attacks have been fierce upon our home, but we know your prayers have helped us thus far.
We are thrilled to announce the arrival of our newest baby. Ashlee Faith Deason was born November 17th at 3:37 pm. She weighed 7lb 2oz and was 20.5" long. God has blessed us with a strong and healthy baby girl.
Services in the church have been blessed, and we've had some visitors over the months, though we long to see more. At our Christmas celebration service God brought 20 people to the service. We are thankful for this. We have learned over the years that we cannot understand all the ways of God, or how He will make good come from what so often seems like discouraging circumstances. When things looked promising with certain individuals, it has many times ended with bitter disappointments. We find ourselves again in this situation, but are endeavoring to remain faithful to Him, to the calling He gave us, and to the work He has placed in our hands while leaving the outcome to Him.
As we go into 2022 we covet your prayers on our behalf! We ask that God would give us guidance into His will, wisdom as we conduct ourselves each day, grace to fulfil His desires, and protection against the attacks of spiritual darkness around us. Above all that God would be glorified!
We thank the Lord for each of you, and your faithful support and prayers for our family! Thank you for sharing in our misistry here on Standing Rock Indian Reservation, and for being there for our family to turn to in times of need. May the Lord be with you and bless you in Him.
We are thrilled to announce the arrival of our newest baby. Ashlee Faith Deason was born November 17th at 3:37 pm. She weighed 7lb 2oz and was 20.5" long. God has blessed us with a strong and healthy baby girl.
Services in the church have been blessed, and we've had some visitors over the months, though we long to see more. At our Christmas celebration service God brought 20 people to the service. We are thankful for this. We have learned over the years that we cannot understand all the ways of God, or how He will make good come from what so often seems like discouraging circumstances. When things looked promising with certain individuals, it has many times ended with bitter disappointments. We find ourselves again in this situation, but are endeavoring to remain faithful to Him, to the calling He gave us, and to the work He has placed in our hands while leaving the outcome to Him.
As we go into 2022 we covet your prayers on our behalf! We ask that God would give us guidance into His will, wisdom as we conduct ourselves each day, grace to fulfil His desires, and protection against the attacks of spiritual darkness around us. Above all that God would be glorified!
We thank the Lord for each of you, and your faithful support and prayers for our family! Thank you for sharing in our misistry here on Standing Rock Indian Reservation, and for being there for our family to turn to in times of need. May the Lord be with you and bless you in Him.

Missionaries to the people of Honduras.
Jonathon & Sarah Stammen, Elijah, & Avery

Bibles Beyond Boundaries
Donald & Melinda Wattenbarger, Bethany, Sara, & Ben
Shipping Scriptures
Revival Meetings
Missions Conferences
Church Planting
Training National Pastors
Revival Meetings
Missions Conferences
Church Planting
Training National Pastors
World Statistics
7.6 billion living today.
Less than 10 out of 100 have a Bible
Church responsibility:
7.6 billion living today.
Less than 10 out of 100 have a Bible
Church responsibility:

Bible & Literature Missionary Foundation
Robbie & Jennifer Allen; Andrew, Audrey, Janie, Lucy and Caroline
Brother & Sister Allen have been serving in full-time ministry since 2005. Robert served as a music director and assisted with the youth until 2011, and then as a Youth Pastor. In 2019, the Lord laid it on his heart to travel nationwide sharing their burden to print and distribute God's Word all over the world to souls in need as a representative for BLMF.

Missionaries to Australia

Missionaries to Germany
Jurgen and Sherri Notz

Missionaries to Togo, West Africa
Andrew & Mary Ward
ABWE (Association of Baptists for World Evangelism)
We Are Passionate About Christ
We believe in doing the long, hard work of missions. We believe that the Great Commission means not only sharing the gospel but discipling new believers in the local church and helping biblical, healthy churches multiply and reach their own nations. By God’s grace, we seek him to do what only he can do and spark global missions movements that extend beyond ourselves—through the power of the gospel.
ABWE (Association of Baptists for World Evangelism)
We Are Passionate About Christ
We believe in doing the long, hard work of missions. We believe that the Great Commission means not only sharing the gospel but discipling new believers in the local church and helping biblical, healthy churches multiply and reach their own nations. By God’s grace, we seek him to do what only he can do and spark global missions movements that extend beyond ourselves—through the power of the gospel.

Missionaries to Jerusalem
Earl Ankrom & family

Missionaries to Jewish Times Ministries
Jay & Susie Brandon,
The challenges with Covid-19, inflation and supply chain issues are still affecting our country and if its bad here then you can only imagine how bad things must be in a place like Cuba. The Cuban people are dealing with food, medical and basic supply shortages, we here at JEM are praying for God to us us as channels to get the needs met. Meeting physical needs could open spiritual opportunities to win those in need of the Messiah.
I recently was able to briefly speak to a young Jewish girl Kelsey, who I had met a couple months back. I was able to give her a gift of a Hebrew/English New testament along with some of our tracts from JEM. She was very busy but accepted the gifts and said she would read them. Please pray for her salvation.
I am excited about what God is doing at our home church in Atlanta with the leadership of our new pastor we are back out into the community knocking on doors and giving the gospel.
I am excited about what God is doing at our home church in Atlanta with the leadership of our new pastor we are back out into the community knocking on doors and giving the gospel.

They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him. Psalm 126:5-6 (KJV)
Missionaries to the United Kingdom of Great Britain
Ian & Cynthia Jamieson
Church wise, this past summer has been pretty disappointing for us, and while long sunny days have made for well attended street markets for outreach and handing out tracts, we have found church attendance (apart from the faithful few) taking second place to trips to the beach and other activities. Also, none of our Sunday School children attended this year's summer camp program that we participate it. The problem here is the parents in mostly dysfunctional homes and this despite our church offering to meet the expenses involved. Please pray for our people to be found faithful. The Lord to fill our Sunday School room, our outreach, and that the Lord of the Harvest to send workers our way.